Will you join us?

MeddiaCloud: What are we inviting you to?

We invite you to be part of the new way of doing press management in Chile.

Do you work in press and corporate communications? public relations? marketing?

Are you in Chile?

Hi! We're MeddiaCloud, and we're happy you've made it this far. We believe this is the beginning of a great friendship! We'll tell it to you straight: our purpose is to make your professional life easier. So, plain and simple.


MeddiaCloud is a new cloud service designed for corporate communications professionals to intelligently and effectively manage their relationship with the media, access new audiences and report their results effortlessly. All-in-one.

This new service builds an updated and segmented database of media in Chile, and an algorithm that connects each press release with the media most interested in publishing it.

The database provides reach. The algorithm intelligence.

More data, less effort, better results.

This is a pioneer solution in Latin America, which will offer a set of tools and services aimed at solving the problems and alleviating the pains of corporate communication professionals in their work environment.

Join us?

How can I become a part of it?

As you read this, we are in full swing developing our first working prototype or MVP(minimum viable prototype). Your participation at this stage is critical.

How can you help us?

  • Request an invitation: Request your invitation to participate in Meddiacloud as a beta tester. We will select 100 corporate communication professionals for this initial stage. You will have access to all features completely free of charge.
  • Explore and experiment: Use the platform. Do your press mailings with MeddiaCloud. Segment and report results. Do it again.
  • Tell us what you think: What you like and what you don't like. What works well and what doesn't. We want to know everything. With your help we can build a tool that answers your problems, tailored to your needs.

Join MeddiaCloud, the best solution for corporate communications, public relations and marketing professionals.