

Questions and answers, in simple.

What am I being invited to?

We invite you to be one of the first 100 users of MeddiaCloud as a beta tester, and to build together the first comprehensive software for press management in Latin America.

What is it like to be a beta tester?

A beta tester is a user who uses the first versions of a software, when it is not yet finished. He helps to improve it with his comments and suggestions.

What are the advantages of participating?

You will get free access to press releases through MeddiaCloud, and you will forever have a place in our hearts.

Do they ask for a credit card?

We will not ask you for any means of payment to request an invitation as a beta tester, as participation is completely free of charge.

Who can request an invitation?

All those who work sending information to the press. Corporate journalists, freelance or working in a communications agency.

What happens to my personal data?

They will never be shared with third parties. They will be kept with the highest security standards. Learn more about our Data Policy.

I want to participate!

Request an invitation and we will contact you.

Request an invitation