
Editorial policy

We strive to ensure that the information sent through MeddiaCloud is official and relevant. We actively combat disinformation, as well as hate speech and content that undermines the common good.

Content ownership

Users may only send press releases that refer to their own organization or company. It is not allowed to send press releases that report information or news from third parties.

2. Truthfulness of content

All press releases sent through our platform must be based on real and verifiable information. The use of our platform for the dissemination of false or misleading news is strictly prohibited. Users are expected to carefully verify the accuracy of all information prior to submission.

3. Legality of the content

Press releases must not promote or reference illegal activities, products or industries. In addition, any content that promotes dishonest or unfair practices or violates any applicable law is prohibited.

4. Copyright and regulatory compliance

It is imperative that all communications respect copyright and intellectual property regulations. Copyrighted works should not be included unless the necessary licenses or permissions are in place in accordance with current regulations. Users are expected to ensure that all materials submitted comply with these standards.

5. Moderation and quality control

Meddia Cloud reserves the right to review, moderate and, if necessary, reject any press release sent through our platform. This review is intended to ensure that the content is relevant, authoritative and unambiguous. The purpose of this moderation is to maintain integrity and trust in the platform and its services.

6. Consequences of non-compliance

Failure to comply with any of these points may result in the suspension or termination of the user's access to our services. In addition, we reserve the right to take legal action in case of serious or repeated violations of our editorial policy.

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Meddia Cloud Team

version 19/04/2024